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Moringa a nutritional immune system builder

The top of my little Moringa Tree
Solo Build It!

Moringa is safe
and easy to use

Moringa-diagram.jpgMoringa, Loaded with nutrition

Moringa a nutritional immune system builder, is safe for everyone. 

It can be used in various ways and has many benefits that have been scientifically proven, over and over.

It is called by many names including, Miracle Tree, Drumstick Tree, Horseradish tree and Haleko tree. 

There are 13 species, but the previous listed trees are the ones I have personally found information on.

As you can see in the diagram above, this tree provides a simple way to naturally get many of your basic vitamins and minerals.

However, it doesn't stop there.

Moringa a nutritional immune system builder

Moringa also contains:

  • Minerals:  Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Sulfur, Copper, Magnesium. 
  • Additional Vitamins: A, B1,B2, B3, C,F,K and E, beta carotene, and choline. 
  • Fats (similar to that of olive oil): EFA's - Oliec Acid, Omeg 3 and 6.
  • Essential Amino Acids: One of the few plants that contain all nine essential amino acids. Which are Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine+ Cystine, Phenylalanine +Tyrosine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valin.
  • Antioxidants: Moringa contains specific plant pigments wth demonstrated potent antioxidant properties.

Moringa Powder
How to Use It

Snackable Moringa tree!

Moringa a nutritional immune system builder, no matter the size.

It is simple to reap the benefits of this amazing tree, because it can be consumed in it's freshest form by picking leaves right off the tree. Which I have done many times from my little tree I grew from seed. 

I buy the powder as well, because my tree is in a pot inside, and due to our climate will not grow very big.

However, it has been a fun and interesting endeavor.  As well as, the leaves have been useful for salads or just grabbing for a healthy pick me up snack.

OIn addition the leaves can be dried and powdered and be put in drinks, smoothies, soups, casseroles, or basically anything you can match it's flavor to.

Cooking hint when using Moringa

When adding Moringa powder or leaves to soups, in order to keep the highest amount of nutrition, add it after the food is completely cooked.  Don't add while it is boiling. 

I use it often in stews and tomato based soups, and it doesn't affect the flavor.

Some other uses I found for Moringa Powder are, a green sauce made by mixing some of the leaf powder with olive oil, but to start with a smaller amount and increase, as you acquire a taste for it.

It can be mixed into guacomole and omelettes which packs a lot more nutrition into already healthy foods!

Adding some to sandwich spreads, salad dressing and sprinkled on salads or some more great ways to add the powerful nutrition of Moringa to your meal.

I like to add it to my green tea that I drink at night.  It's easier to get used to if you put it into a tea bag or tea ball due to the gritty nature of the powder in a drink. 

My daughter adds honey to hers, but I drink it without.  Try adding other flavored teas to it as well, if you can't quite get used to the taste. 

It has a green taste to it, but it is very worth trying different ways to incorporate Moringa into your daily diet.  Especially considering the many benefits you will receive from this amazing food source.

The easiest way we have found to add it to our diet is by our natural nutrition drink that we take daily, Moringa is one of the basic ingredients.  Here is more on Moringa and Zeal, the Nutrition Powerhouse, and you can take a look at the rest of the healthy ingredients.

Since the dried leaves retain their nutrient content, the leaf powder is very nutritious.

In an independent test, Moringa oleifera scored the highest in antioxidant content of any food yet discovered. Beating the record-holding acai berry by over a 50%margin.

Research and News

"Many of the questions raised by experts in the field of nutrition and Moringa’s potential are addressed by Dr. Monica G. Marcu, Pharm. D., P.D., in her recently published book “Miracle Tree” (KOS Health Publications, 466 Foothill Blvd. #251, La Canada, CA. 91011. April 2005), in which Dr. Marcu provides a very detailed look at Moringa’s nutritional content, safety and bioavailability.

To quote from this book: P.2: “Of all the Moringa tree’s parts, the bark is the only part that can be toxic for human consumption.” P.3: “Absolutely no negative effects to daily consumption of Moringa leaves and seeds have ever been reported.”

According to (4)Moringanews.org, "Moringa Leaf Powder has the greatest impact on those who are more vulnerable: malnourished children, pregnant or lactating women, children at weaning age, HIV/AIDS patients, and the elderly.

Malnourished children ages 1-3 years should consume three rounded tablespoons (25g)of Moringa Leaf Powder each day.

Pregnant or lactating women should consume six rounded tablespoons (50g) of Moringa Leaf Powder each day."

Many tropical countries also have discovered, that Moringa is a solution to malnutrition and low child birth weight. 

I personally believe, that God in his infinite love and wisdom provided everything we need for both our physical and spiritual well being. He gave us his awesome creation for our sustenance and health, then made provision and hope for our eternal destinyClick on the link if you would like to know more.