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View From my window daily devotionals

mom and dad 2022Glenn and Pearl Conaway

My parents, both licensed ministers, pastored together for over 25 years and have many wonderful devotionals and sermons that I have been blessed to hear and read.

My family and myself have had the opportunity to glean from their many years of experience and wisdom and sharing God's love with others.

During those years and subsequently, my mom wrote a weekly devotional for 2 different local newspapers. It was called “View From My Window.”

She has given me permission to share some of those on here as well, with the statement, "if it can minister to anyone in some way, use them however you can."

She is now 91 and that is still her heart towards others and them coming to Christ, and them growing in love with Him more, after that first step.

newspaper pic of devotional

I hoped to be able to use the original newspaper clippings on here, of my mom's  devotionals. 

However as you can see, they are not very legible, even when enlarged they were not clear. 

Therefore...I am retyping each one to put on here. It will be a little slower process, but easier for reading.  Thank you for taking the time to read and share in "View From My Window." 

window with tree and lakeView From My Window

Click on a Title below

and it will take you to that specific devotional.

I personally believe, that God in his infinite love and wisdom provided everything we need for both our physical and spiritual well being. He gave us his awesome creation for our sustenance and health, then made provision and hope for our eternal destinyClick on the link if you would like to know more.