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Spiritual Health

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Spiritual health is more important than any other thing in life.  Because our spiritual health determines the eternal destination for our soul. 

Our physical body, no matter how healthy it is, will not last forever. 

But our soul will live forever, and we need to prepare for that, as well as how we care for this physical body while it is the home for our soul.

Good Spiritual Health
Is An Exciting Journey

It's not hard to start on the journey to become spiritually healthy. 

That journey begins with knowing and accepting the fact that Jesus came because he loves you and gave his life to provide forgiveness for our sins. 

John 3:16-17 "For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life.  17. And God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him, might be saved."

The Bible says, "that no one can come to the Father except through Jesus". 

We must believe he died and rose again and took the punishment for our sins, and forgives us when we believe and accept His forgiveness.

Just like we feed our bodies healthy food and exercise to grow and be healthy, we must do the same for our spirit person, our soul. 

After accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, the journey continues.

Prayer and studying the Bible, God's word, are the next steps to knowing Him better.

God's Word Is Good Food
For Your Soul

Having done many different lessons and studies from the Bible throughout the years, it has resulted in a lot of notes and materials. 

These notes are stored in notebooks and folders, which I would like to share in hope that someone might be blessed and\or grow in their love for Jesus.

This is not to say I have all the answers, or all understanding of God's word.  However there are many lessons I have learned while having the joy of a relationship with Jesus and learning to obey God's word. 

Knowing and following Him has been worth it, in every moment of life.

As I have told my own children when they were growing up and any students in classes I taught, the Bible covers every subject that we might encounter in life, and has the answers we need, as God's Holy Spirit teaches us.

My parents pastored for over 25 years and have many wonderful devotionals and sermons that I want to share on here as well.  Gleaning from their many years of growth and wisdom and sharing God's love with others.

For many years my mom did a weekly devotional for 2 different local newspapers. It was called “View From My Window”, and she has given me permission to share some of those on here as well.

Our daughter Tabitha is an avid student of God's word and loves to study it, a lot.  She has daily devotional times that she has shared and still shares with her 10 children as she home schools them.  I have a page just for her encouraging teachings as well.

Another minister we really are blessed by when we hear or read his devotions or sermons is Carter Conlon,.  He has a site of daily devotions and they are short, so you can read quickly on a busy day. 

My prayer is that you will be encouraged and blessed.

Life is so much better and fulfilling with Jesus as your Saviour, as well as having hope for eternity.

If you don't know Him please go to this link and get introduced to the most loving man to ever live on earth.

The links below are currently under construction, thank you for your patience. 

I will finish them as quickly as I can.

A blue underlined title is an active link.

God Bless

How to Study the Bible

Grandpa's Quotes & Sermons

Tabitha's Studies and Lessons

God's Love

God's Promises

Fruit of the Spirit

The Armor of God

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