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I love feeling so much better!

by Abby
(Wichita, KS)

I use Diatomaceous Earth in water, (DE water) to help my baby when she has colic. It relieves me when I am feeling gassy as well.
TMI, but if you have problems poopin, take some with apple Juice, and let me tell ya, you will feel so much better!
You can put it in food to help make it easier to take, lots of benefits for sure!

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Oct 05, 2019
Yes, it is a great regulator!
by: Jeanette

Make sure you drink plenty of water when taking DE. It's just like any fiber product, you need extra water to help cleanse and flush your system out. If it's your first time to use it start with one tablespoon and gradually work up to 2 or 3 a day.

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